Sunday, March 13, 2011

Morning workout tips for sleepyheads

Tired woman sitting in bed (Photo Hemera Technologies)
Instead of hitting snooze, turn on a bedside lamp to help you wake up and get moving.

10 Morning Workout Motivators

Buy a Lamp
Did you know that exercising in the A.M. helps you sleep better, revs up your metabolism and boosts brain function? It's also a great way to make fitness a priority since you start off your day with a sweat session—and don't have to worry about work/kids/family derailing your workout plans. Yet if you don't consider yourself a "morning" person, despite your best efforts, you may find yourself hitting the snooze button instead of the pavement. To help motivate you, WD spoke with some of our favorite healthy living bloggers to find out how they get moving in the mornings.
Light can really affect the way your body adjusts to an early morning wake-up call. Marathon runner and author Tina Haupert at Carrots ‘n’ Cakeinvested in a lamp to help her get up. Her routine is simple but effective: “As soon as I shut off my alarm clock in the morning, I immediately turn on my bedside lamp, which is a short distance from my pillow. Even just a little light gets me moving.” Need some lighting suggestions? Choose from these affordable and stylish Reiko Table Lamps ($39.99; or this simple yet modern Room Essentials Stick Lamp ($16.99; for a bright addition to your bedroom.

News Source: Yahoo

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